Pissed-off Prospects in Telemarketing? Here’s How to Make It Up to Them

Pissed-off Prospects in Telemarketing Here's How to Make It Up to Them

A salesperson or not, we all make mistakes. Unfortunately, when you mess up in sales (even if it’s unintentional) it will affect the entire business reputation. If you relay a wrong message to a prospect, it can cause blunders such as false promises and unsatisfactory results which can potentially damage trust and might lead to lost sales opportunities.

Here are 5 phrases to make it up with them and recover from a damaged deal.

#1: “I’m sorry”

Regardless if the mistake is unintentional or wasn’t really your fault, the relationship you’re trying to build between you and your prospect has gone wrong. Apologize and express a feeling of regret for the damaged done. Tip: Be quiet and Listen

Our first reaction when we make a mistake is to explain and make excuses. But in sales, the best thing to do when you have an irate prospect is to be quiet (especially if you’re the reason why they’re pissed off in the first place). Let them vent out their frustrations and make them feel that they are heard. It will somehow lighten up the situation. Here’s Why Listening is an Important Component in Telemarketing

#2: “I take full accountability for …”

If the mistake was your fault, make sure to take full responsibility for it. Don’t try to talk yourself out and make excuses. Be upfront and admit your mistakes.

Related: The Do’s and Don’ts When Doing B2B Telesales

#3: “I understand how you feel.”

Empathize and acknowledge your prospect’s feelings without annoying him more. Use this statement to open up a positive conversation with your prospect and dig in deeper into the issue. 

#4: “How can I help and fix this?”

Every conflict needs a resolution. Fixing the problem helps maintain your credibility and a good relationship between you and your prospect. If you promise something to your prospect and not able to commit t your words, do whatever it takes to help and fix the issue to keep the relationship healthy.

Related: How Many Call Attempts Should You do Before You Surrender a Lead?

A mistake doesn’t mean it’s the end of the deal, but if you have handled it in the wrong way, you may lose the sale and your customer’s loyalty. Use these phrases when dealing with irate prospects to make everything right.