Recap of The Worst and The Best Marketing Strategies in 2016 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Recap of The Worst and The Best Marketing Strategies in 2016

2016 is over! And every year, companies are always looking for new ways to promote their business, whether they have a new product or not.

Some of their marketing efforts were able to earn an exceptional result. However, not all incredible marketing idea will work as expected.  Let’s see last year’s the worst and the best marketing strategies.

Here are the 5 Funny Marketing Campaigns in 2016:

Recap of Bad and The Best Marketing Strategies in 2016

#1: Republica Parrillera Pilsner Beer

The billboard looks very enticing from the front, but from the back? Well hello!

Lesson:Check every aspects of your campaign ads. Make sure from top to bottom, front and back it’s ethical.

#2: Clinica Dental

This is the perfect example of a logo fail! Pay a visit to this dentist and you’re likely to get more than your teeth fixed.

Lesson: Try something different to stand out but don’t avoid all trends to be different. A logo tells story about your brand and sets you apart from your competitors.

#3: Budweiser for date rape

The perfect beer for #whateverhappens.

Lesson: Catchy and slogans with humor is good. However, be careful of different advertising interpretations.

#4: Starbucks wants to talk about race

“Race Together” caption written on cups to encouraged customers to start a discussion about race.

Lesson: When choosing a tagline, be sensitive of what consumers might feel even if your intention is good.

#5: McDonald’s promoting discussion about terrorism

Bringing up issues about terrorism to customers.

Lesson: Try to turn negatives into positives. Sure you’re promoting against terrorism. But who wants to order and engage into a conversation about past terrorist attacks such as 911? It brings back bad and sad memories.

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Some fantastic marketing ideas failed to work because of the unforeseen loopholes but how do we make sure all of our marketing efforts won’t go to waste?

Let’s learn from the following companies with the best marketing strategies in 2016

#1: Penny The Pirate – OPSM

A children’s storybook with eye testing features to screen children’s sight for parents to find out whether they needed an eye test.

#2: #LikeAGirl – Always

A campaign about encouragement and a battle against the drop in confidence every girls experience during puberty.

#3: Share A Coke – Coca Cola

“Share a coke”, a slogan about sharing. Coca Cola encourage consumers to buy a Coke to share with families and friend and to share their Coca-Cola stories.

#4: If We Made It – Newcastle Brown Ale

An honest, no frills beer ad.

#5: The Priceless Engine – Mastercard

Mastercard’s ‘New Year’s Eve’ campaign to deliver the right offers and messages to the right people at the right time by providing deeper insights to its partners.

Related: How Marketing Automation can make an impact on Singapore B2B Marketing this 2017?

While some marketing campaigns are known for its success, others, well, failed to get good attention from their audience. So the next time you and your team decided to do brainstorming for new marketing ideas, take note and learn from the worst and best marketing strategies mentioned above.