Top B2B Lead Generation Strategies for the Enterprise

Top B2B Lead Generation Strategies for the Enterprise

Although lead generation has become a byword in the business world, a lot of companies still think that lead generation is only for companies that market directly to consumers or B2B companies operating in the small or mid-market sector. That is not true, of course — lead generation is equally important to B2B enterprise companies.

What you need to do is modify your strategy so it becomes relevant to your business model and your target audience. 

Let’s use Instagram as an example. A lot of businesses assume that this social media platform is only for those people who love looking at photos and keeping in touch with what celebrities are doing at the moment. 

Instagram has more to offer to enterprises than that. According to HubSpot, 71 percent of businesses are using Instagram. And we are not just talking of businesses that focus on fashion or food but a wide range of enterprises from different industries. Therefore, if you are not utilizing social media, you are letting go of a great opportunity.

A word of caution, though …

Despite the great promise social media presents, you should use it strategically to get better yield. One way you can generate leads is by adding links to your high-performing offers on your different social media pages like Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Set expectations by informing your visitors that they will be redirected to a landing page. 

Another method is by tracking which of your blogs are performing well, and linking them to your social media posts. You can also run a contest for your followers. Not only do they attract new prospects but they allow you to re-engage with your followers. 

Lead gen strategies beyond social media

Lead generation is not just about social media. It is made up of several components which you need to monitor. Otherwise, you’ll never know which part needs improvement and which ones need changing. Here are a few tips for your B2B lead generation campaign:

Use the right tools

Lead generation success is not just using the latest lead generation tools but rather the right tools.

They will tell you how many people visit your website, what their names and email addresses are, the pages they visit, their activities before and after filling out your lead conversion form. 

If you don’t know the information above, you might have difficulty engaging and connecting with your visitors. However, you can easily ask visitors to give them to you using the right lead generation tools. 

Some of these tools include:

  • CTA Templates – allow you to create eye-catching, clickable CTA buttons.
  • Visitor Tracking – gives you insight how the visitor navigates your site.
  • Form Scraper – collects information from the forms submitted by your visitor

Create interesting offers and CTAs

We all love shiny objects because they pique our curiosity. Your prospects and customers also act on the same instinct when they see amazing offers on your site. Make sure that you have these offers in each step of the buying process. 

Couple these offers with smart CTAs all throughout your website. They will allow you to monitor where your visitors are in their buyer’s journey. These CTAs create a personalized message which lead to a higher conversion. 

Be consistent and always deliver

It is hard to gain consumer trust but it is even more difficult to regain it once it is broken. Therefore, if you want your customers to stay loyal, you need to deliver what you promised. The product or service you deliver, should be the same or even exceed what you present in your message. If you don’t do that, you will have difficulty convincing your leads to go to the next life cycle stage. 

Be dynamic

Trends and consumer behavior change. Even opinions shift — it does not guarantee that their loyalty will be the same after some time in the future. There will always be a better product, a better competitor. So if you want to last, you need to be flexible — always in tune with the needs of your target audience and consumers. Stay relevant by experimenting on different marketing strategies and advertising channels until you find out what works well for your business.

Grow more with lead generation

We’ve just shown you the basics. Continue to innovate and experiment so you stay relevant. Make sure that you work hand in hand with your sales team to ensure that you are handing them high-quality leads.

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