How to Market and Sell Your New Tech Product in APAC

Selling a new tech product might seem challenging, but it also offers a lot of opportunities for your company.

With the right strategy, any market can easily be penetrated, and with the tools and platforms that we have today, creating a multidimensional campaign is easy.

In this guide, we take a look at the ways you can sell your new tech product and put your company in a position for growth in APAC.

Who’s Your Target Customer?

Your ideal customer profiles are the first step to selling your new tech product.

They determine what messages will be put out, what types of campaigns to run, and how the product will be branded and packaged.

They’re the single most important foundational step in marketing a new product and marketers have to get their profiles right.

An ideal customer profile includes demographics, challenges, opportunities, goals, habits and even past purchases of the target prospect. In addition, you can’t just have one ideal customer profile, there will be plenty of target customer profiles with different customized messages for each target group.

It doesn’t end there, once the new product is test-marketed, the marketing team will have to analyze the results of the initial bout of selling and check if the profiles have to be switched out or segmented.

Related: Prospect Research and Profiling Tips to Help You Build Your Contact List

Crafting Messages

Target customer profiles are critical because they allow marketers to craft messages that resonate with their prospects.

Messages have to be personalized and this doesn’t mean tweaking the first and last names of clients in emails, this also includes putting out messaging that appeals to their industry and the challenges that they face.

Also, there’s this mistake that there sales and marketing should “Always Be Closing” there’s a higher propensity for people to get turned off with a hard-sell.

Make sure that messaging is segmented and personalized for each target group.

Related: Content Marketing Tips for Technology Companies in SEA and APAC

Choosing a Medium (Hint: Don’t Pick One)

Don’t pick one medium.

Prospects don’t just linger on one platform, they could be on LinkedIn, Facebook, Email, etc., all at the same time.

Plus, when you’re first starting out with a new product you need some market saturation to get your product in front of as many eyeballs as possible.

You need to be able to build a multidimensional campaign that spans several platforms.

Companies launching new tech products can start with a passive educational campaign and active outreach on email, then they can move their retargeting to Facebook, LinkedIn can be used to start conversation and nurture them with content and posts, and they can finally close the deal with a phone call.

The possibilities for combining different platforms are endless, and one can strategize how to use different platforms depending on the ideal customer profile.

Educational Campaigns

If the product is relatively new or offers a new way of fixing a problem, then an educational campaign is one way to go about marketing the product.

The way to do this is to prepare instructional articles on how to fix the problem that your tech product can fix.

You can also do a series of content that is centered around the industry that it caters to.

When running an educational campaign, make sure your website SEO is on point and that you’re also running a social media campaign to promote your content.

Offer a Free Trial

Tech products must always come with a free trial, and you need to offer a demo.

There’s no getting around it.

With competition in B2B tech and SaaS being fiercer, companies have to let prospective clients experience their products before they make the decision to buy them.

Also, you don’t always need to ask for credit card information when you give out a free trial, sometimes getting their email and other lead information is enough.

Do an Audit or Get on a Consultation Call

Some people need a little more convincing than others, and having the option for a free consultation or an audit is often one of the best ways to get one foot through the door.

Offering a free consultation tells your prospects that you are willing to go over and beyond with your customer service, and that you offer a concierge service.

However, it’s important to note that you can’t do this at scale with low-priced tech items, it can get expensive and time-consuming.


Don’t be afraid to work with other companies in leveraging their brand and audience, a co-marketing deal allows you to market your new tech product with the sponsorship of another brand and this helps add more trust and appeal.

There are plenty of ways to go about co-marketing and you can even use it with your educational campaigns.

Comarketing also opens the doors to future collaborations and better integration of your product with others.

Using a Lead Generation Agency

There are two ways to use a lead generation agency, you could rely on them to bring in the bulk of the leads or you could use them alongside your current lead generation efforts.

The great thing about using an agency is that you’ll be able to focus on launching the product, development and customer service, while they bring in leads for you to close.

There is no more need to build a lead generation team – which takes time and resources – and you can leverage the specialization that they have already built-up for years.

Related: A Tech Company’s Guide to APAC Expansion

Selling your new tech product might be challenging, but by investing in the right lead generation strategies earlier on, it can be done. However, the biggest challenge is being able to differentiate not only your product, but also the way you do your marketing.

Get personal, customize your outreach, and connect with your prospects.