5 Reasons Why Your Email Nurturing Workflow is Underperforming

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Email nurturing is one of the best ways to guide your prospects through your pipeline, but it’s not exactly magic.

There will come a time when it might not work and it can cause any organization serious problems.

In this guide, we’ll show you the common problems with email lead nurturing and what you can do to fix them, and restart your lead nurturing for massive growth.

Lack of Personalization

Lack of Personalization

One of the biggest problems with lead generation and nurturing is the lack of personalization making emails that are being sent out too general and generic.

Prospects don’t like generic emails because it comes off as not only impersonal but lazy. Personalization doesn’t only deal with changing out names and greetings within emails.

It goes a step further.

Personalization has to deal with the content that you’re sending out. You can’t aim for industry-specific content – that’s still too broad – you need to be able to create role-specific content. This type of content will resonate more with your prospect and there is a higher possibility that they will read it.

if you can narrow down your personalization even further buy personality, you can expect to get higher open and response rates from your leads.


  • Pause your campaign
  • Pull your list and segment it further by roles and personality
  • Start creating content that will resonate with each individual target persona
  • Restart your campaign
  • Optional (but advised): A/B test your content for quality control

Emails are Spaced Too Near

Emails are Spaced Too Near

Make sure you don’t overload your prospects with messages.

It might seem like a good idea to keep up brand awareness and keep the idea of your organization in their heads for a long time, but it could do more harm than good.

A barrage of messages might cause them to think that you’re being too pushy with your marketing and make it look like you’re too eager to make a sale.


– Don’t send more than two emails in one week. Three should be the absolute maximum for clients who are about to convert.

Emails are Spaced Too Far Out

Sometimes the problem is your emails are too spaced out to make a difference. You could initiate a call on a Monday, but if you wait until next week to send a follow-up email, then that could hurt your lead nurturing.

It’s understandable from the previous section that you don’t want to seem too eager, but the problem is if you wait too long, your prospect could lose interest and turn into a cold lead.

Warm leads have to be acted on swiftly or you could lose them altogether.

Think of it as telling a story, if you take too much time, you’ll lose their attention.


– Go into your email sequences and check out how long emails are spaced out

– Make sure you adjust to target at least twice a week – depending on how warm your leads are

– Apply changes and observe

Bad Copy

Bad Copy

Good copy makes for great lead nurturing, and bad copy won’t make much of a difference except to remind your prospects about your brand.

To determine if your copy works you need to be running A/B tests every now and then on your different target customer personas. This will help you stay objective with the copy that you choose to use.


– Pause all campaigns and start running A/B tests

– Get a third party to review your email content

– Check if targets are being met, if not, run another batch of tests

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The Sequence is Flawed

You could have everything spaced out properly, great targeting, and the best copy, but if your sequence is flawed, then you don’t have much of a shot in reeling people in for the close.

Now there are a lot of ways your sequence could be flawed.

For example, there aren’t enough breaks in the flow that invite them in for a meeting with a sales rep, you might not be addressing their concerns properly or giving them a chance to interact with your emails, etc.


–  Make sure that you give them chances to interact with your emails so that you can have multiple email sequences ready to kick in depending on their reaction.

–  Check if you have a clear CTA to book for a sales call in every email.

– Check to see if your automation seems more human than robotic. Remember, your prospects are all at different stages of buying so you need to see if you’re addressing them.

These email lead nurturing problems are common for a lot of marketers and it’s only normal to run into a dead-end. What’s critical is that you monitor your system well and adjust to possible problems that might arise.

Need help with your email lead nurturing? Talk to one of our representatives today

Related: How to Re-engage and Recycle Old Tech Leads Using Email, Phone, and LinkedIn