A Lesson From Warren Buffett For Telemarketing In Singapore

A hand using a laptop device


Lead generation is serious business in Singapore. After all, how are you supposed to continue selling if you do not have any customers, right? For this to be successful, you need to hire the right people for the job of generating B2B leads. While there are a lot of qualities that you need to look for, perhaps the words of billionaire Warren Buffett can help you:

“Somebody once said that in looking for people to hire, you look for three qualities: integrity, intelligence, and energy. And if they don’t have the first, the other two will kill you.” – Warren Buffet

Yes, integrity means a lot. This is the a mental and moral compass that ensures quality product and services. without it, all your efforts will not be worth it. You may have the intelligence, but if you cannot prove to your business prospects that you are reliable, then you are nowhere near generating sales leads. You may have energy, but if all you do is something apart from appointment setting, then you succeed in nothing at all. You have to build the trust of your business prospects.

Buffett understood the value of integrity. As an investments expert, he knows the abject fear of people that they will lose their money in businesses they invest in. By showing them integrity, he earned their trust, kept their money safe (not to mention growing it), and made his company the powerhouse investment firm it is today. This can be done in your telemarketing campaign in Singapore as well.