How to Lose Singaporean Employees in 10 Ways

How to Lose Singaporean Employees in 10 Ways

Are you tired of hiring and training and ended up losing your best employees to your competitors?

Based on an article from, a survey by Robert Half says, 46% of Singapore employees don’t leave work on time and work longer hours for 2 to 3 times a week because of the current talent shortage. Given that fact, Ms Stella Tang, Director of Robert Half Singapore mentioned, “Companies must work hard to attract and retain their best employees”.

Running a business can be very challenging. When I lost some of my best employees, I heard rumors spreading about how it causes other employees to think and ask, “Why would that person quit? Why would the organization let someone as productive as him leave his job? Is the company in trouble? Should I be worried?”

Employees quit their job for different reasons. If you want to have 30-40 % higher employee turnover rates every year, then here are 10 ways on how to lose them.

#1. Don’t recognize their accomplishments.


Recognition helps employees feel motivated to repeat their efforts again.

#2. Don’t listen to your employees.


Conduct meetings involving your employees, ask about their challenges with their job and as a manager,  find ways on how to improve and make their life easier.

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#3. Measure hours of work done and not results.


Just because your employees are doing personal activities during their shift doesn’t mean they’re not doing their job. Sometimes you need to trust them to use their time wisely.

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#4. Don’t follow through.


Not following through can lead to complaints and frustrations. If you can’t follow through on something, be transparent and let them know the reason behind it.

#5. Have a negative atmosphere.

A more relaxed environment leads to happy employees who would love to go to work everyday.


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#6. Promote people straight up the ladder.


True, we hire the best people. But promoting even the experienced ones without giving them exposure to different parts of the business can cause harm in your company’s goals and objectives.

#7. Create and implement rules that were not thought of well.


Yes. Great employees want to have guidelines and direction, but they don’t want to have rules that get in the way of the quality of their job.

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#8. Don’t communicate with your employees.


You’ve got to communicate the good and the bad side of the business. They need to hear it from you. Or else, different sides of the story will come out.  

#9. Don’t provide learning.


Great employees want growth. They always look for a job where they can learn and develop their skills.

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#10. Don’t make things fun.

Work is a professional environment. However, workplace should be fun! Encourage team building and social activities.


According to, great employees are not replaceable. If you think you can hire someone better or can easily have someone with greater skills, then you’re just fooling yourself.

As a business owner, I don’t want to lose my best people and go through with the recruitment, hiring and training process all over again. The values, knowledge and skills gained through training and experience are irreplaceable and have a big impact in your organization.