The Increasing Importance of Multi-Channel Marketing in Asia

The Increasing Importance of Multi-Channel Marketing in Asia

According to Digital Trends 2015 report, multi-channel campaigns appeared to be at the bottom with only 7% in APAC saying that multi-channel was the most exciting opportunity.

This 2017, many marketers in Asia saw the importance of multi-channel marketing because of the increase in multi-channel interaction of customers. Marketers need to be where their prospects are – email, voice, social media, web, mobile, and chat in order to become visible and increase their customer engagement.

In this article, I will discuss the reasons why more and more marketers in Asia saw the importance of multi-channel marketing.

The evolving nature of marketing

Although many businesses implement lead generation campaigns internally, the main channel of communication with prospects is through voice. However, more and more B2B lead generation companies are looking for more ways to reach out and interact with prospects on their preferred medium of communication.

The growing need to nurture prospects

Prospect’s buying journey is longer than before. Some take weeks or even months. Nowadays, people researched online or ask for a recommendation from family and friends before they make a decision to buy anything.

Having someone who expresses interest is not enough to close the deal. Turning them into customers need nurturing until such time they’ve reached the final stage of their buying process.

Related: 5 Lead Nurture Tools to Turn Cold Singapore Prospects to Warm

To reach out and get prospects’ attention using different channels

Be it through email, social media, voice, chat, web, and mobile as a marketer you want to be where your prospects are in order to become visible and create brand awareness. Every channel has its own advantages but you’ll get a better result if each channel works hand in hand rather than compete with each other.

Higher ROI from multi-channel campaigns

According to an infographic from, “Multichannel shoppers spend 3 times more than single-channel shoppers”. How can it increase your ROI? Multichannel marketing allows you to:

  • Connect and engage with your prospects using their preferred channel.
  • Reach out to prospects, especially the on-the-go ones.
  • Nurture and build lasting relationships with your prospects. Check out these lead nurture tools!
  • Send a relevant message that can provide solutions to your prospect’s problems on their chosen channel.

Related: C-Level Blind Spot: Not Incorporating Multi-Channel Marketing

You need to be visible in order to survive and stay ahead of your competitors. Let’s face it, marketing also generates leads and grows your business. So it is important for you to keep up with what’s new, especially in your industry. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean if it’s new it can do good to your business. It’s still best to focus on what is important and what’s working for your business.

Related: Marketing Trends in Asia: What to Look Forward

However, many marketers still fail to implement multi-channel marketing as part of their marketing strategy for reasons such as;

  • Not enough resources to do it.
  • Lack of time
  • No budget to invest in tools
  • Lack of knowledge and understanding on how to implement it.

People nowadays don’t just watch TV or read newspapers anymore. Instead, they use email, social media, and the web too to research products online. And almost everyone is doing it using their mobile phones. That is why more and more marketers are starting to see the importance of multi-channel marketing.