Business Astrology: What to Expect in Asia in the Year of the Rooster

What to Expect in Asia in the Year of the Rooster

Every start of the year, business owners would want to stay ahead of their competitors. However, sometimes things do not turn out as expected.

They often ask themselves such as;

  • How’s my business going to be?
  • Is it the right time to invest for an expansion?

Part of Chinese tradition, most of asian businessmen use astrology as their guide to answer all of these questions to give them an advantage

Here are some tips from Vedic astrology to combat bad luck in business in the year of the rooster.

  1. First choose the right day of the week to launch your business.
  2. Good days in general for launching a business are Wednesday, or Saturday to make it last a long time.
  3. Make sure the Sun is strong.
  4. The best times of the year are when the Sun is in the sidereal sign of Aries from 14th April-14th May and Leo from 17th August -28th August.
  5. Jupiter can bring good fortune to any business if it is well placed in the 1st, 5th or 9th houses as it then aspects the ascendant.
  6. Avoid the days when the Sun is changing. For example April 12th 2016.
  7. Avoid the times between 18th October-17th November and 14th January – 13th February.
  8. The Sun is considered fallen in the sign of Libra and weak in Capricorn so, if you can, avoid these times for any launches or re-launches.
  9. Mercury, Saturn and the Moon rule business so they also need to be strong in the chart.
  10. That means that they must not be in their weak signs, or in difficult houses of the chart. It’s vital that the planet which signifies the type of the business is well placed.
  11. Choose a waxing moon. The day of the new moon is weak, the full moon is the most favourable time.
  12. The time to begin must reflect the charts of the people involved.
  13. Know which dasha (planetary period in the Vedic system) your business will start in. This is invaluable for accurate forecasting. A business can dramatically change its fortunes if an unfavourable planetary period starts after its launch.

Timing is everything. By deeply analyzing the position of the planets and their effects will give you a head start in making your business a success. And the chart of your business will tell you how successful it can become.

But what can we expect in the year of the rooster on the business side?

According to The Straits Times, based on the new survey result released last January 19, many small businesses in Singapore will increase to 29% when it comes to the number of employees in 2017.  

51% of respondents from the survey are expecting for their business to grow in the next 12 months. 

However, when it comes to innovation, revenue growth, social media and e-commerce, Singapore was ranked low. According to CPA Australia Asia-Pacific Small Business Survey, It shows that only 40% of small businesses forecast Singapore’s economy will grow in 2017.

Related: The New Year Resolution of A Singaporean Businessman

But what industries are expected to soar this 2017? According to ZUU Online, here are the 4 industry to invest in Singapore this year.

  • Consumer Staples
  • Constructions
  • Reinsurance Industry
  • Domestic Exports

And here’s more, a recap of business statistics from 2013 – 2016:

  • According to Nielsen’s Asia 2020 – Progressing, Prepared or Pessimistic report, more than three quarters of business leaders in APAC expect their business models to change over the next five years. And they are worried: 59% say it will be difficult.
  • Leggett says ecommerce is now the largest retail channel in Korea, while online retail sales are growing at 50% a year in Indonesia.

Infographic by- GO Globe

Astrology can help your business in many ways. How lucky you are this year of the lunar rooster doesn’t just depend on luck alone. Still, hard work and perseverance can help you go a long way. Positivity attracts more good energy. If you work passionately, you will achieve your dreams.

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