B2B Prospecting: Top-of-funnel Marketing Activities to Attract Prospects

B2B Prospecting Top-of-funnel Marketing Activities to Attract Prospects

We read many different contents about marketing strategies every day, but what do these writings tell us? Do they even contribute to us in making a sage approach to apply to our business? What’s the point of researching more data and acquiring more knowledge when all our posts on social media have already reached more than a thousand likes and shares?

From the data provided by Hubspot below, check which marketing strategy you are currently using and see its sustainability powers to keep your business thrive.

Content Strategy

  • Content marketing gets three times more leads than paid search advertising (Content Marketing Strategy)
  • 97% of marketers are using prescriptive content (Curata)
  • 96% of B2B buyers want content with more input from industry thought leaders (Demand Gen Report)

Check back:

  • Are you using content strategy?
  • If yes, what is the percentage difference from when you were not using it yet?
  • Do you feature inputs from industry leaders to your content?

Related: Understanding How Audience Consume Content and How to Turn Them Into Leads

Social Media

  • As of June 2018, Facebook daily active users reached 1.47 billion, and 2.23 billion monthly active users (Facebook)
  • As of January 2018, the age group with the most Instagram users worldwide is 18-24, followed by 25-34-year-olds (Statista)
  • 80% of millennial Pinterest users say the Platform help them decide what they should buy (CoSchedule Blog)

Check back:

  • Which social media platform do you use the most, and which one gives you ROI?
  • Are you using the right social media platform to cater to your target market?
  • Do you monitor and have data of your social media followers?

Related: Facebook and Twitter Metrics to Track in 2018 [INFOGRAPHIC]

Video Marketing

  • Product videos can increase purchases by 144%, as per Neil Patel.
  • 64% of consumers say watching a marketing video on Facebook has influenced their purchase decision in the last month (Animoto 2017)
  • About 5 billion Youtube videos are viewed on average every day, said Omnicore.

Check back:

  • Are you using product videos for promotion? If you do, has it increased customer purchase?
  • Have you ever done a survey on how many of your customers have viewed your marketing video, and if this has influenced their buying reasons?
  • Is your video one of those 5 billion Youtube viewers every day?

Email Marketing

  • 56% of brands using an emoji in their subject line had a higher open rate than those who did not, as per Statista
  • Recipients are 75% more likely to click in emails from segmented campaigns than non-segmented campaigns (Statista)
  • IT, B2B, and wholesale companies have the weakest mobile opens, while TV/radio/film, events, and real estate, have the strongest (Campaign Monitor)

Check back:

  • What’s your subject line approach?
  • Is campaign segmentation well optimized as your marketing strategy?
  • If mobile opens is not making a track, what are other, best options?

Related: Quick Telemarketing and Email Campaign Fixes You Need to Know

You may just be looking into the current results, but how long can your strategy sustain positive output for the business? Is your marketing tactic up for a long-term goal, or just good for a short-term success?