The Best Marketing Channels to Get B2B Leads in 2024

best marketing channels

B2B (business-to-business), like any marketing approach, focuses on promoting products and services to a specific audience. What sets it apart from B2C (business-to-customer) is its target buyers, who are other businesses rather than individual consumers. B2B marketing employs diverse channels and mediums that businesses use to market their offerings to fellow enterprises.

When B2B marketing strategies come to mind, most companies primarily think of direct and outbound techniques like sending messages straight into the prospects’ or clients’ inboxes to persuade them to respond to your offer and consider making a purchase. As the business sector evolves, marketing sprouted numerous categories including B2B lead generation, B2B digital marketing, B2B email marketing, and B2B content marketing. 

These traditional techniques remain irreplaceable in your roster of marketing tools. However, the B2B landscape in the Asia Pacific (APAC) has changed, along with buyer preferences. Consumers nowadays are equally inclined to seek solutions via search engines as they are to ask for referrals from their social circle. 

These shifts in behavior highlight the importance of adapting your marketing strategies to keep up with your customers’ rising demands. This entails leveraging marketing approaches encompassing SEO, telemarketing, content marketing, and social media outreach. Doing so helps your brand successfully connect and engage with modern B2B buyers, gain inbound leads, and stay relevant in the hyper-competitive business landscape.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to marketing success, but the good thing is this: you can steer your efforts toward industry-specific success by choosing the right channel and strategy, especially this coming 2024.

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The importance of choosing the right marketing channel for your B2B business

Before we delve right into the numbers, let us first define what is B2B marketing. 

B2B marketing refers to a company’s strategic efforts to promote and sell its products and services to other businesses. These businesses incorporate these offerings into their operations for manufacturing, distribution, or the provision of services.

Such marketing initiatives may be executed through various digital platforms, such as online channels, through phone calls such as in telemarketing, or through in-person engagements at industry-specific events like trade shows, where businesses gather to explore networking and cooperative ventures.

Within this distinctive marketing landscape, B2B companies face challenges that arise from the need to engage with diverse target audiences, often in advanced buying stages. On the flip side, they benefit from extensive business networks and lasting relationships formed in the process.

Capitalizing on these opportunities involves sustaining engagement with prospects throughout their buying process with an emphasis on trust and credibility. Successful B2B marketing is characterized by a continuous presence through strategies like social media, email marketing, and content marketing. 

By investing in and implementing these digital strategies within your company, you can stimulate growth for B2B businesses. These strategies make prospecting leads much more convenient and effective by expanding your reach to potential customers and boosting your conversion rates in the long run. Embracing a variety of marketing channels in this hypercompetitive business sector is, therefore, no longer just a recommendation but a necessity.

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Are you still undecided about what platforms to use? Take a look at the best digital marketing channels used by B2B businesses to maximize online lead generation.

best marketing channels to get b2b leads - infographic

Social Media

The number of social media users has reached an impressive 4.48 million mark, proving that social media has grown beyond its original purpose of connecting people. Nowadays, this channel is used by marketers to connect with potential customers in a more personal and genuine way. 

Social media’s interactive features facilitate two-way communication where customers can interact with your brand and other buyers, thereby permitting instant feedback, and transparency, and enabling brands to provide updates and support in real-time.

Succeeding in social media marketing requires investing time in building relationships with your target audience and understanding their needs and interests. Digital marketing, especially through platforms like LinkedIn for your lead generation campaign, offers an effective route. The said platform drives 80% of qualified B2B leads, while Twitter and Facebook lead gen account for 13% and 7% respectively.

While social selling can lead to direct sales, it’s important to remember that it’s not just about selling. Building a strong and positive relationship should be a priority.

Related: How to Effectively do Social Selling in APAC

Taking a look at key social media statistics to date, here are the valuable insights we have gained

59% of the world’s population is using social media. On average, each user allocates two hours and 29 minutes to these platforms. 49% of consumers aged 18-29 have reported making a purchase after viewing a social media ad. The younger age group, with 71% of Gen Zs, prefers to discover new products on social media channels.

In terms of platform popularity, Facebook ranks first with almost 3 billion users, followed by YouTube with 2.5 billion users. TikTok, on the other hand, is the fastest-growing social platform, making it the most preferred channel for emerging trends and strong user engagement.


Following social media, websites are the second most commonly used marketing channel. They serve as a central hub for directing traffic and sharing valuable, relationship-building content.

A website is a versatile platform that enables you to engage with your audience, demonstrate your brand’s unique identity, and provide valuable content. These characteristics make this channel an essential component of your marketing strategy.

Websites provide a versatile platform to engage with your audience, showcase your brand’s unique identity, and provide a wealth of valuable content, making them an essential component of any comprehensive marketing strategy.

To boost your organic traffic, prioritize creating relevant, high-quality, and thought-provoking content that demonstrates your industry expertise. Develop content in different formats, from blog articles, and infographics, to videos and webinars to captivate your target audience and widen your reach.

In the B2B marketing realm, 37% of B2B marketers believe that content-led websites are the most crucial method to generate leads. Marketers deem attracting more traffic to the website (75%) as the second next priority to lead generation (79%), followed by boosting the brand’s positive image (57%), and then increasing customer involvement and loyalty (47%).

Small businesses primarily invest in digital marketing channels, with websites (73%) ranking second as the most common one. Social media (73%) ranks first, with email marketing (57%), SEO (49%), video (34%), and content marketing (32%) ranking third, fourth, fifth, and sixth, respectively.

Organic Search (SEO)

In the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) context, organic search refers to the process of driving website traffic from search engine results without spending on advertisements. 

This strategy enables you to attract users who are actively in search of information, products, and services related to your offerings that match their needs. 

Optimizing your website and content enhances your brand visibility in non-paid search results on Google, Yahoo, and Bing. Since more consumers are using search engines for solutions, regularly producing quality, optimized, and relevant content can propel you to the top of search results.

Here are some figures that highlight this strategy’s impact in driving website traffic and shaping online customer experiences:

A noteworthy 68% of online experiences start with a search engine, underscoring its crucial role in user navigation. SEO stands out as a formidable force, driving 1,000+ more traffic compared to organic social media.

Organic search, on the other hand, helps generate 53.3% of overall website traffic.

70% of web analysts and SEOs say the new AI search will incentivize people to use search engines more than before. Looking ahead, it appears that the integration of new AI technologies are bound to reshape the digital landscape.

Furthermore, for 60% of marketers, inbound methods like SEO and blog content remain as the highest-quality lead source. This emphasizes the enduring value of SEO in attracting and converting potential customers through organic and user-driven online interactions.

Content Marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach used to attract and engage a target audience by creating and sharing valuable and relevant content. The goal is to earn trust, establish brand authority, and drive profitable customer actions by meeting the audience’s needs and interests.

A long-term strategy that focuses on creating content that is informative, entertaining, or educational, rather than directly promoting a product or service, it takes on various forms like blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, social media posts, and more.

Content marketing serves three main goals: increasing sales, building customer relationships, and increasing brand awareness. An astounding 82% of marketers use content marketing, 10% do not, and 8% are still in the process of determining its implementation in their companies. While 32% of respondents feel overwhelmed by the content available, 44% usually read three to five pieces of content before contacting a vendor.

In the B2B setting, 85% are using content marketing to generate leads, compared to just 60% of B2C ones. Podcasts notably emerge as the most effective type of content for 77% of marketers in terms of generating customer awareness and demand. Blog posts and articles rank second at 76%, followed by video at 59% in terms of effectiveness. The least effective content types are case studies, white papers, and webinars.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a type of digital marketing that uses emails to reach out to connect with potential customers, foster customer loyalty, increase brand awareness, and promote your marketing campaigns.

It is widely known as a cost-effective and high-impact online marketing tool that boosts customer engagement and drives sales. These characteristics make email marketing a crucial component of most digital marketing strategies today.

Another factor that makes email marketing a preferred marketing channel is its consistent delivery of strong Return on Investment (ROI). In fact, a report reveals that you can expect an average return of 40$ on email marketing for every 1$ you spend. This serves as solid proof that a well-planned email strategy keeps your business stable amidst B2B market fluctuations.

By the end of 2023, email marketing revenue is estimated to reach almost 11 billion, demonstrating the sector’s robust growth.

There are currently 4 billion daily email users, and it is projected that this figure will increase to 4.6 billion by the year 2025. Showcasing its widespread use, 69% of marketers use email marketing as a primary channel for content dissemination. 

This year, an average of 347.3 billion emails are sent and received daily, marking a 4.3% increase from 2022. 77% of B2B buyers notably exhibit a strong preference for email communication, making it more than twice as popular as any other channel.

Paid Ads

Paid advertising involves the investment in ad placements across various platforms. When you’re aiming for rapid growth, this strategy can be highly effective compared to digital marketing channels like content and social media, which focus on long-term relationship building. Ads, on the other hand, provide immediate exposure to your target audience.

Customizing ads, such as copy and visuals, based on audience data, is crucial for making strategy work well. Knowing your audience’s preference enables you to refine your messages to resonate on a personal level. Keep in mind that when your ads feel more personal, people will pay more attention, get involved, and ultimately, take action.

Based on research, paid social media advertising is projected to make up 25.5% of digital ad expenditure in 2023. 79% of marketers agree that PPC is largely beneficial for their businesses, indicating the effectiveness and popularity of this tactic.

The conversion rate for click-throughs from PPC results is notably 1.5 times higher compared to their organic counterparts, emphasizing the impact of strategic paid advertising.

Meanwhile, mobile apps are projected to generate $935 billion in revenues via paid downloads and in-app ads in 2023.52% of online shoppers who view or click on paid ads call the advertiser right after browsing, showing the real-time impact of paid ads on consumer behavior.


Telemarketing is a strategy that involves using phone calls to promote products, generate leads, or conduct market research. It can either be outbound (initiated by marketers) or inbound (customer-initiated). 

Its goal is to establish direct communication, convey messages, and prompt actions like purchases. Telemarketing can be integrated into digital marketing using tools like CRM, email, social media, automation, VoIP, analytics, and compliance management. This integration optimizes efficiency, improves customer interactions, and ensures an overall cohesive multichannel marketing approach.

As per statistics, telephones emerge as the 2nd most preferred means of contact for B2B buyers. 57% of C-level buyers and VPs, irrespective of industry, display a preference for calls. A call’s success rate, interestingly, rises up to 70% when you mention a mutual connection on LinkedIn.

Furthermore, 82% of customers express their willingness to accept meetings with salespersons who reach out through cold calls, highlighting the effectiveness of a direct and personal approach. Impressively, 75% of CEOs would book an appointment or take an action based on a cold call, underscoring the significance of this strategy in engaging with top-level decision-makers.

The importance of a marketing strategy today

The B2B landscape is continuously changing, making the need for a marketing strategy more crucial than ever. These tactics allow businesses to connect with a wide audience, build their brand, and be cost-effective. Since most people use multiple channels for information and shopping, a solid marketing strategy is necessary for staying competitive. It involves social media, search engine optimization, emails, and content creation to increase visibility and attract customers. In simple terms, having a good marketing strategy is not just helpful, but necessary for your business to thrive in today’s B2B environment.

A marketing strategy provides numerous benefits, such as:

  • Having a strategy directs your efforts toward your goals: In the business setting, having a strategy is like having a roadmap that guides decision-making and actions toward specific objectives. 
    It ensures that every effort you exert has a purpose and aligns with your goals, preventing aimless activities. This focus helps companies use their resources and time wisely, making them more likely to achieve desired outcomes in a systematic and targeted way.
  • It enables you to understand your customers and market share better: A well-thought marketing strategy involves a thorough understanding of the target audience and market dynamics. 
    By using data and analytics, businesses can learn about customer behaviors, preferences, and market trends. This knowledge is crucial for customizing your marketing efforts to connect and engage with the audience effectively, increasing the chances of attracting and keeping customers. 
    A strategic approach, in short, builds a stronger relationship between the business and its customers, resulting in smarter and more effective marketing.
  • It helps you develop a unique value proposition: One of the most vital parts of a strategic marketing plan is creating a unique value proposition. This involves identifying and showcasing what sets your product or service apart from others. 
    A compelling value proposition does not only set a brand apart. It also clearly conveys its distinct advantages to the target audience. In a competitive market where consumers are inundated with choices, this sense of clarity helps businesses shape a memorable and appealing identity that resonates with their customer base.
  • Prevent unnecessary duplication that consumes valuable time and resources: Duplication of tools and tasks are huge waste of effort and resources. With a clear plan at hand, businesses can identify and eliminate redundancies in their marketing initiatives, streamlining and optimizing their efforts instead. 
    This efficiency not only improves your team’s overall productivity but also enables a more effective resource allocation, resulting in better financial outcomes in the long run.
  • Steer away from the risks associated with disintegration: Disintegration in marketing efforts poses risks such as inconsistency, and confusion, potentially damaging your brand’s reputation. 
    A strategic marketing approach ensures that all elements of your marketing mix work cohesively. This integration of efforts minimizes the chances of conflicting messages or fragmented customer experiences across various channels. By avoiding disintegration, you can maintain a unified and coherent brand image, reducing the chances of unforeseen setbacks in your marketing endeavors.

Amp up your marketing efforts in the APAC with a multi-channel approach

Whether you’re running a physical store, an online shop, a bank, or a healthcare facility, the truth is, that every competing company is actively promoting its products and services.

How do you stand out from the rest? The challenge lies in creating meaningful and lasting connections with audiences across various platforms. That is where a marketing strategy comes in. Marketing channels are powerful tools that bring customers and leads together, this strategy capable of establishing a strong online presence and driving actual sales.

Marketing channels offer a cost-effective way to kickstart lead generation and boost revenue, especially through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Even in the digital age, consumers still crave for human touch in their business transactions, hence highlighting the impact of telemarketing in creating meaningful connections.

While many companies have been involved in different marketing strategies for a while, not all have the insights needed for truly effective campaigns. The B2B sector is growing at bullet speed, and in 2024, you’ll need to amp up your game to keep up with the competition.

If you’re searching for an agency that can create advanced marketing strategies and innovative social media initiatives, be sure to check out a reputable lead generation services provider that features an AI-powered lead gen service and uses a multi-touch multi-channel approach, like Callbox.

This approach guarantees a comprehensive and effective outreach to potential customers, merging different channels or platforms to maximize engagement and results. With Callbox’s proven track record and team of B2B experts, you can leverage your innovative solutions to gain more advertising leads and achieve tangible business growth.

Since 2004, Callbox has been a leading B2B lead generation service provider in the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. With our specialized expertise in telemarketing and appointment-setting services, bolstered by our multi-touch multi-channel approach and AI-powered tools, we drive business growth and are dedicated to helping your business reach, acquire, and nurture target prospects, ultimately converting them into valuable clients.

Gain sales with quality leads, secure appointments, and boost your business growth this 2024 with us! 

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