How Companies in Asia Can Find New Sales after COVID-19

How Companies in Asia Can Find New Sales after COVID-19

The pandemic has severely affected all global economic activity. The Singaporean economy has suffered on both the demand- and supply-side. Sectors that have suffered the most are those on the international travel side which includes air transport, accommodation, and other tourism-related sectors. Those in the retail and food industry sectors have also taken a massive hit from the pandemic and even stretching out towards the outward-oriented sectors that deal with manufacturing and wholesale trade. 

However, looking at the silver lining, more businesses have also embraced the demand for online sales and services. That is already overcoming one of the hurdles. As more businesses come back to resume their operations, they will also have to figure out how to find new prospects and clients. 

That is exactly what we’re going to talk about in this article today. Let’s talk about the various ways on how you can fill your lead funnel again and jumpstart your business.

Online Presence

Singapore is a very technologically advanced country. Having a presence online as a business should not be a problem. What’s important here is that you strengthen your online presence now more than ever. This may require you to post a lot more frequently than before to keep your customers from shifting to your competitors. Let your customers know that you’re still present, seeing their struggle, and offering solutions to help their business as well.

Proactive Outreach

In both outbound and inbound aspects, you have to be proactive in looking for new leads. Businesses cannot afford to sit back and wait for their customers to come to them. Look back at your previous lead generation and outreach strategies to tweak and adjust your approach to make it more comprehensive.

Consistency is the Key

Improvisation may not be the best approach as current circumstances don’t leave much space for such as not all your prospects are as eager and financially ready to purchase right now. Devise a precise strategy that guides your customers through each step of their purchasing journey. Granted, every strategy will look different for each business, however, there are certain key stages that you should specifically focus on:

  • Discovery stage
  • Initial phone call with the sales representative
  • Product/service demo
  • ROI calculations
  • Interview with decision-makers
  • Closing the deal

Re-imagine your Offer

For the most part, it feels like we’re living in a totally different world right now and as we’re embracing the “New Normal” in all aspects this also means that we need to reposition our existing products and services in a way that exceeds our prospects’ unmet needs in real-time. Let yourself be open to embracing new approaches in your sales strategies that are ideal for the times we’re all living in right now.

Renew Salesforce Focus

When looking for new prospects, our first instinct is to go back to our existing roster. In this case, source new ones from your most promising and active social media channels as well as referrals from existing customers and service exchanges. Train your sales teams on the latest digital innovations, deal executions online, methods, and tools. Being fully equipped is the key here.

The Takeaway

There is no denying that the normal we used to know has been altered due to this pandemic, but we should not let it hinder our business advances. Pay close attention to your clients and prospects, what they need, what their pain points are and look for innovative solutions that will help not only solve their problems but also help their business (and yours!) to propel forward!