[FREE EBOOK] A Hands-On Guide to Gaining B2B Leads from Social Media in 2020

A Hands-On Guide to Gaining B2B Leads from Social Media in 2020

Marketing and social media have become inseparable elements over the past decade. We have experienced great advancements in technology and social media in especially recent years and how these have impacted the advancement of modern B2B marketing.

It’s undeniable that the use of Social Media is helping many businesses grow their brand presence and that this will definitely transfer over into this new decade. Counting as some of the most significant benefits of integrating social media into our marketing strategies are the following:

  • Finding and researching prospects
  • Reaching out and engaging prospects
  • Helping potential leads to find relevant resources and content
  • Complementing and enhancing other marketing channels
  • Keeping your company top-of-mind (gaining mindshare/visibility)

The three major social media platforms that are deemed the pioneers of this online marketing and are utilized the most are LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

This handbook will discuss the latest business features added to the platform and how you can optimize them to suit your lead generation needs. In it, we will also provide you with information on what to expect for each platform in the years to come and what we can expect to change and further improve. 

Here’s a little preview of what you can expect:

Hands-On Guide to Gaining B2B Leads from Social Media - eBook Preview

How each Social Media Platform drives lead generation results

Door-to-door marketing has become obsolete over the years and so marketers had to look for new ways to market their products and services without having to disturb their prospects in the privacy of their homes. When social media exploded on the internet, companies did not waste a minute and immediately hopped on to develop ways to use online marketing to their advantage. 

With over millions of active everyday users worldwide, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook have been deemed the biggest platforms used for online marketing. Each platform has drastically changed in the past years and we want to focus on discussing the following:

  • Latest Features
  • Strengths (What makes each platform stand out from the other)
  • How each platform will help B2B marketing in the future

More in-depth discussions on how to maximize your marketing experience include:

  • Optimizing your profile
  • Prospecting and Researching
  • Selling on each platform

Dissecting each feature and learning how to utilize them well is the key to setting up your online business account. Not only is it important to know how to utilize the platform effectively, but it is also necessary in order to know how to sell effectively on each platform. This counts for all the content you choose to put out as well as even wording your bio in a way that will send in leads for you.

Improving Social Media Content Distribution

Content distribution is another crucial factor that determines the success rate of your online business presence. Here is where we discuss the three most effective ways to ensure that you get your content distribution right. 

  • Posting Hours – emphasizing on the perfect timing of when your posts should go up and how it affects your site traffic.
  • Interaction – This is the very lifeline between you and your audience.
  • Audience-centered – Modern marketing calls for shifting from Me-centered marketing strategies to a predominantly audience-centered one.

The Takeaway

Social media is part of our daily lives now and there is no denying that. They have proven time and time again that they are the future of modern marketing. Every business is integrating the use of various social media platforms to boost their brands and obtaining lead generation. And because it is so convenient, you will also find yourself in competition with thousands of other brands.

By using our hands-on guide handbook, you will be able to equip yourself with the right tools, information, and guidelines on how to gain more B2B leads using your social media platforms.

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