The Importance of Data in Every Lead Gen Campaign

The Importance of Data in Every Lead Gen Campaign

Data is a critical part of every lead generation campaign because it allows you to properly understand your customers properly.

However, not all data is created equal, and sadly some lead generation experts do not stress on the amount of data you need to run successful campaigns.

In this guide, we take a look at the importance of data in lead generation campaigns and what we can do to make sure that we’re leveraging data to maximize our sales.

Data Makes Campaigns Efficient

Most lead generation experts will agree that the lack of data with their leads renders their leads useless.

And, we’ll agree with them.

Leads without any qualified data are essentially unusable given the amount of customization that you have to pour in to every single lead generation campaign.

Your potential clients won’t enjoy the fact that their pitches aren’t customized to them and to make matters worse there’s an extremely high possibility that leads might be wasted at the same time.

Having complete (and accurate data) helps minimize the amount of time you have to spend verifying data and building complete profiles of your clients.

In fact, data integrity is one of the highlights of a good lead generation campaign.

We’ve gotten to a point that even ecommerce and B2C is reliant on complete data profiles to pitch prospects properly.

Having access to good data not only makes campaigns more efficient on marketing resources, but it also saves you a lot of time in the process of lead generation.

But, it doesn’t just stop there.

The data analytics that you collect during – or after – a campaign is also critical. It helps ensure that you are targeting the right people, and if the efforts and messaging you’re using are converting people to your cause.

This is why a lot of lead generation experts use A/B testing methodologies in every marketing channel they’re in. The data that they collect is used to create effective campaigns.

Related: The 5 F’s of Data Hygiene for Deeper Sales Conversations [VIDEO]

Data Allows for More Personalized Outreach

The average decision-maker is bombarded with a ton of pitches on a regular basis. At some point, everything starts to sound the same for them, and this is where it becomes more difficult for marketers to set themselves apart from the competition.

However, when you have data, you can create personalized campaigns.

This is why account-based marketing has risen in prominence.

Its personalized approach allows you to stand out from the competition and provide your prospects with material that resonates with them. This in turn increases the likelihood that they’ll sign up with you.

Related: Crafting the Perfect Personalized Email

Data Lets You Understand Your Customer

One of the common complaints that we’ve heard from prospects is that sales teams don’t understand them at all.

This leads to frustrations on both ends with customers getting annoyed that they are being pitched the wrong solutions and sales teams facing dwindling leads.

With data you can avoid these issues because you already have a basis to work from.

From the sales end, you get to understand what the customer is really looking for and how you’ll tailor-fit your products or services to meet their needs.

That’s not all.

You also get to paint a picture of the prospect’s personality and what makes them tick. This is critical in ensuring better success rates in negotiations and determining how you’ll pitch them.

Good data gives you access to their socio demographic profile, the people that they’ve transacted with in the past, their history, pain points, and solutions that they might be into.

It equips sales teams with the knowledge that they need to create effective messaging that resonates well with their prospects.

Data Gives You Talking Points

Imagine a sales discovery call with a lead generation expert just reciting a script.

Sounds boring doesn’t it?

Enter data.

Data allows a sales representative to have talking points during the first meeting, they can ask questions about particular points, have a stronger basis for their questions, and have topics that they can talk about.

In addition to this, your prospect will feel that you’ve done your research and that you actually care about their business.

This leads to deeper and more meaningful interactions with prospects, and that leads to better conversion rates.

Data is one of the most powerful tools that you can use to take your growth to the next level. It allows you to analyze your prospects before and after a pitch has been sent, and this lets you create campaigns that save you time, money, and a lot of frustration.
Lead generation from a data-first perspective might be a difficult task in the beginning, but it’s one of the best things that you can do for your organization today. So, the question is, how can you leverage data to create better lead generation systems today?