Live Events are Back! 4 Lead Gen Ideas for Attendees and Exhibitors

Live Events are undeniably necessary and they are back. With that being said, lead generation at conferences is still effective.

Whether it’s a live event, an online event or a mix of the two, events that may occur are an important part of efficient marketing tactics, and they’re still relevant despite the pandemic.

Event marketing methods that have worked in the past are no longer effective. You must make your event stick out in order to create qualified leads, organize a successful event, and achieve the desired objectives. Starting with entirely new lead generation brand management, you need to build an effective, unforgettable experience.

Involve Your Sales Team in the Planning

To ensure the growth of lead generation during your events, enlist the assistance of your sales staff. You don’t always have to rely on the marketing department to organize anything; they’re not the only ones who know how to put on a successful event or generate leads at them. Because they have particular expertise of your intended consumer group, sales teams are great assets.

Another thing to remember about your event is that it does not have to be a massive gathering with scores of people in order to be successful. Your gathering might be large or small, with a large audience or a small number of individuals.

Find out how our lead generation program can help boost your event attendees and leads for your upcoming virtual or live events.

Have a Solid Post-Event Nurturing Plan

It’s all about forming connections at events. However, many event organizers make the mistake of forgetting to keep up on leads after the event has ended.

Prepare a strategy for that you will touch up with leads before the event. Get imaginative and consider what you’ll do to make a significant difference. Everyone sends out an email to participants, but you should make an effort to stand out. You don’t want to send the same “thank you for joining our event” message that people have seen a dozen times.

Show your appreciation for their attendance by delivering something beneficial, such as a short video or key takeaways from the event. To remain in touch and develop a feeling of community, you should engage with them on media platforms.

Related: Breaking Down Your Pre-Event and Post-Event Marketing

Dabble into Virtual Reality

Although VR and AR) are not new technology, they are both unique enough to attract your audience and generate traffic to your booth. Indeed, don’t be shocked if a line forms!

Best of all, VR and AR are remarkably low-cost lead-generating tactics. Virtual reality headsets with your brand on them might take some technical know-how to get up and running, but they’re highly enticing.

Visitors will be so excited to check out your AR and VR that gathering information will be simple. During the setup procedure, inquire about it.

Related: Metaverse Marketing: Mastering Lead Generation

Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience

Consider the audience before giving your presentation and personalize it to their needs. If you have access to pre-event registration information, make use of it!

You should always tailor your presentation to your audience while providing it. Think about their requirements and imagine yourself in their position. What do they know or trust about your subject already? What are the most crucial things you want people to remember?

After you’ve answered these questions, combine all of the above material with your knowledge to produce a customized, interesting, and memorable presentation.

Consider how some participants’ ears perk up when you start presenting examples, quotations, or images from the companies where they work throughout your presentation. Use data to generate a lot of attention than if you just used your standard template. It demonstrates that you care about the individuals who are there and it shouldn’t require much work on your side.

The Takeaway

You probably want something that will show for all your work and effort after months of planning and preparing for your Live Event. Giving your booth visitors engaging experiences will offer you an edge over the competition and generate quality leads for your company.