5 Reasons You Need to Team Up with a Lead Generation Agency

5 Reasons You Need to Team Up with a Lead Generation Agency

Lead generation allows a business to increase traffic on its company website, enjoy better sales, and more significant conversion rates among its prospects. An effective lead generation strategy will enable prospects to see what a company is offering and why their products and services are the ideal choice in the market.

A lot of companies have focused on fostering their in-house lead generation team. Still, many also run the risk of missing out on the unique advantages of having a lead generation agency as a partner.

Do you think your sales team could benefit from the experience and expertise of a lead generation partner? Should you wait until sales have reached a certain level before you bring someone in? Should you just ride out the slump and wait for a better cycle?

If you are unsure, here are five signs that you need to bring in the help of a lead generation agency.

Slumping Sales

The most telltale sign that you need the help of lead generation experts is when you see that your sales have dipped. Most companies are confident about the strength of their homegrown sales team. Still, they acknowledge that their sales number can improve. If you have the same problem, you need to provide your in-house sales team with the right assistance that they need to reel in new customers and reevaluate their policies.

Bringing in an outsourced lead generation expert will allow your homegrown team to reassess their procedures, and identify gaps and opportunities for an improved sales strategy.

Poor-quality Leads

Unqualified leads remain a significant obstacle in every sector and industry looking to convert leads. In fact, in a survey conducted by Ascend2, 50% of business marketers shared that increasing their lead-to-customer conversion ratio remains to be their biggest challenge and their top priority.

Tried and tested lead generation experts can help you gain access to more leads in your target market. Not only that, but you can also be sure that the leads they deliver have the latest contact information and are primed for you to convert.

Wide Gaps in your Sales Calendar

When you notice that the gaps in your sales calendar have widened, that’s a warning sign that you need to reevaluate your prospect outreach strategy. You should be able to fill up your work calendar with sales opportunities, like networking invites and appointments with potential leads.

You should not be complacent with the number of clients you already have. Instead, look for ways to expand your prospects through face-to-face meetings, cold calls, pre-qualifying leads, and more. If you need extra support in finding more prospects to meet with, hire the help of an external lead generation team.

You Want to Expand your Sales Reach

Outsourced lead generation teams are especially useful when companies are looking to increase their presence in a specific market. Partnering with lead generating firms is also useful when you’re looking to venture to new markets. Expanding businesses require a continuously growing pool of prospects, and lead generating teams provide that pool efficiently.

Leads are at the base of your company’s growth. Without a designated team that can expertly bring you specific prospects, your business runs the risk of reaching a plateau. With sales on a flatline, your sales conversion will soon plummet.

Your Sales Team isn’t Reeling it in

According to a study conducted by Salesforce.com, sales professionals nowadays only spend 34% of their time selling. Members of your sales team likely do the same. Frequently, sales professionals are bogged down with activities such as data entry, quote generation, and emails that take them away from finding more customers.

Of course, these tasks are equally important to their job. Still, the main priority should be to bring in new customers to maintain a healthy flow on your sales pipeline. A lead generation firm can help streamline your processes and allow your team to get back on the phone to close more deals.

Many businesses only consider bringing in a lead generation company when their leads have finally dried up. But there is always an opportunity to get help before you reach that point. If you notice one or two of these telltale signs, you should find a lead generation team that can address your needs for backup. There are also telltale signs that you have chosen the right team!

You can always reach out to us if you feel that your homegrown sales team can use the professional help of the lead generation experts from Callbox.