Facebook, Twitter and Google+: Creating Effective Lead Generation Content

Facebook, Twitter and Google+ Creating Effective Lead Generation Content

Through the years, social media has been strengthening its reputation as one of the reliable online marketing channels out there. It’s proven to be an effective hub for B2B lead generation content and also an effective tool for demand generation.

LinkedIn has already been established as the ultimate B2B marketing site. But what about Facebook, Twitter, and Google+? These three are not purely B2B in nature, and certain adjustments have to be made  – in terms of the substance and manner of content posting – to cater to B2B leads.

A post at JeffBullas.com shares how lead generation marketers can optimize their content on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+:


Facebook has three posting options: link posts, image posts, and video posts.

1. Link Posts

As soon as you enter the URL in the posting window, Facebook will detect the link and automatically supply you with information—like a preview image and short description.

2. Image Post

Some users don’t utilize the image post very much. In fact, image posts—if done right—can actually spark more engagement than just a link. Image posts allow for quite a bit of creativity. The key is to select the right image and pair it with the right copy.

3. Video Post

A video post is similar to an image post. However, a video is sometimes more effective if your audience needs extra convincing to click the link. Rather than posting a link to a YouTube video, you can actually add the video directly to the post. This means users will see the video on Facebook; they won’t be sent to another site.


Compared to Facebook, Twitter is much simpler. And now that you have some of the basic writing tips down, it is just a matter of tweaking them for a different audience.

When using images with your Tweets, you have two options.

  1. Option one is to use images that relate directly to the topic of your post. Users will be able to quickly identify and relate to the topic based on the image you chose.

  2. Option two is to use loosely connected images that are used for the sole purpose of capturing attention. If you go this route, be sure to write copy that ties everything together.


Like images, hashtags produce much more user engagement. But it is possible to have too much of a good thing; don’t abuse the power of the hashtag.

  • Don’t use more than two hashtags per post.

  • Only hashtag things that relate directly to the content you’re sharing.


While the audience and general use are different, Google+ is a mashup of Facebook and Twitter.

Embracing the Circles

In order to take full advantage of Google+, you must embrace the circle. Create several different circles—one for each of your different audiences. This will make sharing content much easier.

You can create the perfect headline and description according to who is in each group. It might take a while longer to get your content out there, but it will be much better received.

Rules of Engagement

Communities provide direct access to your target audience. But the privilege shouldn’t be abused. Consider the following:

  • Don’t keep posting the same content over and over. Once is enough.

  • Always reply to comments. You want to keep the dialog going.

  • If you want people to engage with your post, engage in theirs.

  • Make sure you are involved with the right community. For example, business owners would benefit from this particular article, but it might not be well received in a business community.

 Source: How to Create Awesome Content for Facebook, Twitter and Google+