The Follow-up Strategies in Cold Calling to Counter the Five “NOs”

The Follow-up Strategies in Cold Calling to Counter the Five “NOs”

“No”, “Not right now”, “Not yet”, “It’s not a priority”, “Maybe some other time”, “Just send me information for now”. These are the common responses I usually get from my prospects every time I make calls.

In order for me to think of a solution on how to handle these objections, I’ve identified the reasons behind.

The 5 main factors why prospects object

  • Need

They just don’t need it! It’s as simple as that. You have to accept the fact that not all people are in need of what you’re offering. The good news is, it might not be right now. But, these prospects might need your product or service in the future.

  • Price

Companies have allocated budget per department per year. The truth is, every department is not allowed to exceed their budget. You can’t do anything about it if they find your product and service expensive.

  • Feature

Every prospect is different. Which means, not all of them are in need of the same thing.

  • Time

I hear this all the time with my prospects. You have to take note that you’re calling them during office hours. If you are busy making calls and talking to your prospects on the phone, they are busy too with their responsibilities at work. So don’t feel bad if they try to dismiss the call right away. Know the perfect timing in calling your Singaporean prospects.

  • Sales rep

Prospects hate telemarketer. To them, time is valuable. Prospects would only allow you to interrupt them in what they’re doing if you have something to say that makes sense to them. 

My main goal whenever I make calls is to close the deal. However, I only want leads that I can find an opportunity. Someone who has issues and problems within their organization and they can find solutions from my product or service.

Here are my 5 follow up strategies on these 5 “NOs” from your prospects

#1) A “Not right now” from prospect because he doesn’t need it.

This is only temporary. Time will come that these prospects will encounter problems or issues within their organization and they can see the benefit they can get when they purchase your product. What to do?

Respect that they don’t need your product or service for now. Instead, offer information for future reference and ask for a timeframe,

“When is the best time for me to call you back and check if this is something you might be interested in?”  or “When do you plan to consider this kind of product or service?”

Call them back on the time that they are ready to discuss it.  

Related: How to Spot a “Requested More Information” in Every Sales Objection

#2) A “No” from prospects who think your product or service is too expensive.

Don’t regret it if prospects can’t afford your product or service. It only means one thing – they’re not the right prospect for you. Have confidence in your product or service. If you know you only provide quality products and services there’s no point of pushing through if they’re not willing to invest in your product or service.  What to do?

Focus on the benefits of your product and service and highlight the benefits that they can get from you – high-quality tools and services.

Related: How Much should Appointment Setting Services Cost?

3) An “It’s not a priority for now” from prospects who happen to be working on a different project at this time.

Ask your prospect, “What projects are they currently working on?”

For example, you are offering a disaster recovery solution and your prospect has recently added new employees and is currently working on purchasing new laptops.

Know every product or service that your company is offering. Even if you were asked to market a disaster recovery solution and encounter a prospect that is looking for a different product or service, you can definitely bring in new sales for the company if you push through with what your prospect needs as of the moment.

Related: How to Handle like a Boss: “We’ve worked with you before and we’re not satisfied”

4) A “Just send me information for now” from prospects who don’t have time to talk when you call.

Respect your prospect’s time and they are more likely to listen to you the next time you call. When you encounter prospects who say they’re busy or is in a hurry to end up a call, for reasons such as, he’s in the middle of something or is on his way to a meeting, never continue with your spiel. Instead, hurry and end the call.

However, before thanking the prospect and end the call, don’t hesitate to ask, “When is the best time for me to call back?”

This line allows you to call your prospect when he is available to listen to you.

Related: 5 Lead Nurture Tools to Turn Cold Singapore Prospects to Warm

5) A “Not interested” from prospects who encountered a disrespectful sales rep.

Sales rep usually get this kind of objection from prospects if; They talk too much.

Only provide information needed by your prospect. Less talk, less mistake. If you talk too much, he might end up asking questions you can’t answer. Get Started: Effective Telemarketing Scripts for All Industries [FREE TEMPLATES]

And when sales reps don’t ask questions properly.

When asking questions, remember the 4 Ws. What, Who, Where, When. For example;

  • “When is your next software evaluation?”
  • “Who’s the best person to speak with regarding your phone system?”
  • “When is the best time for me to callback?”
  • “What solution are you currently using?”

These questions allow your prospects to answer you directly and you’ll get what you’re aiming for. When your prospect asks a question, never disregard it and proceed with your spiel. Instead, address it right away. But what if you don’t know the answer to your prospect’s question?

Still, that doesn’t give you the right to disrespect your prospect. If you don’t know the answer, inform your prospect;

“I don’t have that information with me right now. What I can do is  I’ll look into it after this call and I’ll get back with you. When is the best time for me to call back to inform you about it?”

I understand you’re excited to tell your prospects about how good your products and services. However, in sales, the focus should be on the needs and wants of your prospect.

Don’t feel bad whenever you hear a word “No” from your prospects. Find out the reasons why and use the follow-up strategy mentioned above on how to nurture your prospects until such time that they are ready to purchase and do business with you.